Archive (Newest to oldest) Presidential Boxing Wally Weasel's Epic Journey Snow A New National Park Michael Jackson's New Book Rules of Golf D M V Step Dad.... Advertise Here! This Really Happened To Me Too or Pyro-Santa? Christmas Time Toy Story Revisited 2 Toy Story Revisited Vacuum Talking Happy Halloween! Confusing.... The Nerd... Dog Waste The Dancing Hicks A Jewish Thing? Curb Dog The Walrus Pick me up! Super Box! Pokemon! Hair.... Happy Birthday to Me!!!! The Fork The Blob The Flood Lardass! Spooky..... Hmmmm... Hand-Drawn Comics #2 Hand-Drawn Comics #1 Ant Mafia? Ouch! Return of the Weasel This really happened to me... If it was made, this is what it would look like. Mmmm..... Chinese food.... Uncle Sam is back... ...In A Can! Jesus Rides Again Now More Commercialized Than Ever! Getting the Morning Coffee Chubby Bird: The eating experience Flight of the Weasel Dr. Hatchet does some blood work
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